Random and infrequent updates from the good Korea.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Well, after my little trip I had to pop in Mercenaries in my good old X-Box. Well imagine my surprise when I start up the game and notice how accurately they recreated the JSA for the game. Fucking A. Very cool shit indeed. So, now I can say I was there.
Welcome to North Korea, biotch! Posted by Picasa

De-militarize this!

Well, finally after like four fucking years I got off my lazy ass and went to the DMZ. And it was cool. Especially the JSA. Very nice. I highly recomment it. Only thing is, it made me really want to play some Mercenaries. Hmmm....and that bridge of no return is nothing like the one they made for Die Another Day. Although, to fit the Bond mood I listened to the DAD score on the way up there. Very cool.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Welcome to Crawford

So by now most of us know of Cindy Sheehan's camp down in Crawford. It's a very simple story really. A greiving mother just wants to speak to Bush about why her son had to die. His response? "Well I gotta get on with my life." Fucker. Support this woman people. She's just like any other American, wanting to know why. Why? It's only the most basic question we as humans ask and for some reason it's become un-American. Well, know what? Not asking why is a sign you're a fucking moron, brainwashed by the message. There's nothing more American than questioning things. That's what got us this far.


Back here in the Korea I been working nice, long hours. Eleven to be exact. Nice, fat, long days. I get up, go to work, go home and sleep and that's about it. But it's all about to end. Thank Christ. Bout fuckin' time too. I think I'm losing time, but I know I'm not cause I remember every single time I sang the fucking Backpack song for my Rainbow classes. And in the end the best thing will be the money. Yes, I'm in it for the money.