Random and infrequent updates from the good Korea.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Iraq Votes!....for an assembly?

Yep, they ain't even voting for a president. They are voting for a whole bunch of people who will appoint a new leader. Ahhh, so how long until one of Bush's buddies is set up as a new dictat-errrr, umm president? What a great system they have, one president, two vps and a prime minister, all under King George. Ahh, democracy. But, hey he planted the flag of freedom. Wow, swell head much?

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Four More Years starts now....

unfortunately...in a forty million dollar waste, King George will once again ascend to his throne and then proceed to piss on us. Let the people protest. Cause we are not happy. And that motherfucker has to know it.

I hate Rice

Not the food, I love that. No, I'm talking about Condi Rice. That bitch who is woefully unqualified to even work in the government. Worst. National. Security. Advisor. Ever. This bitch is not the right person for the job. And now she's going to be Secretary of State. And what are her qualifications? Well, she worked at Stanford. That's it? What in the fuck does she know about government? And how much closer can she get to Bush without actually sucking him off? And am I alone in thinking she's just an ugly cunt? Bitch, cunt, yes they are strong words. But this is a woman who ignored her duties and didn't do anything to even possibly prevent 9/11. When a memo hits your desk in big fucking letters, "Al Queda Determined to Attack United States," you should maybe pay attention!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I'm hooked on G4TechTV

Or whatever the fuck they call it now. I've actually been watching since this was all ZDTV. God, like six, seven years ago. Long time. Now it's just like watching a friend whither out on meth. Aside from X-Play, the occasional Filter (for Dian Mizota!) there's really not much there. Screensavers turned to ass and now it's all just about games. Having read some rumor about the behind the scenes I have to say it doesn't sound like a fun place to work. And if anyone out there actually likes new Kevin and Chi-Lan, let me know, cause you need help. Any old people like me remember Leo and how the show used to be interesting and helpful? Fuck, maybe it's me getting old. Remembering the good old days of a third tier cable channel. Rest in Peace Unscrewed.
Yes, Buffy would be a good gift. Enjoy. Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Now this is what I want for my birthday. Posted by Hello

Winter weather sucks donkey ass

They keep predicting freezing rain and snow and yet looking out the window there is none. It's just fucking cold. Just wish it would get a little warmer. Or at least snow. Like a foot or two so I don't have to leave the house.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I love my X-Box

I do. I spend enough time with it. HALO, GTA, KOTOR. If I had a life, this would suck it dry. Now I just need more games.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Video games make me violent

I don't buy into the theory that video games or movies are responsible for violence. I don't honestly think they help violent people be less violent, but blaming them is purely the lazy way to explain our society when the blame lays squarely at our feet. Humans are just downright violent people and if you don't believe that read history sometime. Video games have ratings for a reason. No ten year old needs to play Grand Theft Auto. That's for me. Someone in his twenties. That said video games do make me violent. Because they can frustrate me and piss me off so much I want to throw things. The controller, the TV itself. But I blame me. It's just how I am. And the game can be as benign as Super Mario. But once I cool down and realize that the game does not cheat, I'm better. But the game is not the dangerous thing, it's me. I blame me. Getting 99% of a mission finished only to get capped from behind can make me scream obscenities better than the rest and throw my chair. I know a few controllers that hate me.

Can 2005 suck more than 2004?

It's a simple question really. This country seems to be spirally out of control, deeply divided. So, can things get worse for us progressive types? Or will things just stay the same? No matter how bad we think it gets those on the right somehow think it's all peachy keen. Well, we'll see for how long. So, 2005 kick our asses.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Two Double Oh Five

And let's see what the new year brings. New games, new films, brand new Alias, wednesdays at nine.