Random and infrequent updates from the good Korea.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


So, what do we call those people fucked over by good old Katrina? Survivors for sure. Right? Yeah, they survived. But they are also now homeless and forced to flee to somewhere else. Hence they are refugees. But, oh, that's a bad word, right? No, it's not. It's a simple, descriptive word. They are refugees. And there is no shame there. Yet why do so many out there think this is a bad word, an insult? Why does Oprah say they are not? Well, it's simple. These people are Americans. And therefore too good to be labelled as refugees. Refugees are foreigners. Period. They are refugees, we are survivors. We will prevail. Why? Cause we are Americans! Fuck yeah! It's kind of disgusting that during this crisis we have people bitching over a simple word. Kind of makes one sick to be an American when even when a horrible tragedy unfolds, we still have to distance ourselves from those around the world who face these same things. As if we're too good for shit like this to happen. Like it's different for us. Well, it's not. Bad shit happens to everyone. These people are refugees and there is no shame in that title. But there is shame in making one victim more worthy than another. A survivor is a survivor. They all made it and they all need help, whether they are American or not. And a displaced NO native is no different than a Tsunami victim. So get over the world touchy feely Americans. Now is not the time for American superiority. Now is the time for Humanity.

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