Random and infrequent updates from the good Korea.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

For all who might read this, Merry Christmas from the good olde Republic o' Korea.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas Rappin'

Well, this might come as a shock to some, but Saturday night I got on stage and rapped in front of the entire company. Mind you, I was quite drunk by then, but still....it was quite an experience and I didn't forget my lines. It was our Xmas party for school and each campus performed a skit. We won actually. Cause we prepped. Unlike the Migeum losers at the frat house. We took OPP and changed the words to EOP, our English only policy at work. Total sendup. Just taking the piss. After all it had been a mutinous week at work. And even though morale was at an all time low this week by the end of the night it had risen to pre-crisis heights. Excellent. Now maybe we can finish the month without badmouthing each other......ahhhh maybe not...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Let it snow!

Korea has had its first snow of the season bitches. Nice and cold and white outside, like a new coat of paint for the country. Pictures coming soon and don't slip on the ice you fat fucks...


Went to Yongsan, the big electronics market in Seoul yesterday. A whole big long row of video game vendors. Plenty of PS2s and Xboxs. I usually just look, but I stopped when I saw an open Xbox 360 being played. It looks good on the net, but better in person. Wireless is fucking sweet dude and the graphics on Project Gotham Racing are tight. Seeing this bad boy made me want one even more. I was kind of surprised to even see one since it's the only in there and Korea hasn't gotten their launch yet. If these things are going for big bucks online, then this must be spendy. Damn.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Happy Holidays bitches!

It's December and time to put up the trees and drink the nog. So, for anyone curious, I accept cash or check or even Paypal. Money is the gift that keeps on giving.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

We speak English?

So I teach English. My school purports to be all down with that. We even have an English only policy....which is absolutely worthless. The Koreans barely speak enough to be bilingual and since they don't follow the rule at work it's hard to force the kids to. I won't get into all the weird shit that makes no sense about this organizational system, but this is a school for English that has signs in Korean and a website with no English option. Ughhhh...so now we come to Golden Bell, a quiz type contest seen mostly on TV. They've decided to make one in English. So all of our campuses got together, spent forty grand and had the semifinals. And it was the dullest fucking thing ever. And the irony? Barely any of it was in English. Plus like many things schools put on, the thing was rigged and the interludes included impromptue dance offs for the kids. All in an effort to hide the fact these kids don't speak English. I love this place, but for all the English learning craziness, the English here sucks. It's more show than substance, like a lot of the shit around me. If you look busy, you are busy. If you're simply efficient and orderly you look like a slacker. So, An Nyoung Hi Kay Seyo bitches. Boyakasha!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Eat some turkey you fat fucks!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Sunday, October 30, 2005

drink is the bad....

ugggghhhh, remind me not to drink so much wine again.....I got paid, went out to Seoul and spent way toooooo much of my cash on wine....weird fucking night, talking to girls in Korean, stumbling around city streets, trying to vomit in a bar restroom and falling asleep on the bus home ending up at the bus barn......all in all a pretty normal kind of Korean weekend....

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Xbox Live

I finally got myself setup on the live service, so anyone looking to play some Halo or Burnout Revenge, go ahead and try to find me online sometime. My handle is rafterman1701...owing to the time difference I may be hard to find....but I can always get my ass kicked...

what's up bitches

Well, I see some people have found this lame-o little piece of the web I pissed on to mark. Well, here's the deal droogs-I'm still in good old Korea, but don't ask when I'll be back caue I have no fuckin' idea. I work five days a week from 3 to 10. My kids are all around ten or eleven. Teaching is hella easy most of the time. I work for a place called Avalon School. It's an all right place that actually pays me on time. Nice. I'll try to link some pictures or something here so you all can see what I do over in the far east. Now it's off to drink copious amounts of alcohol...


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

off to murder simulate!

Most video gamers in the know have heard of ol' crazy ass lawyer Jack Thompson. He has concluded that video games like GTA are murder simulators. You know what Jack? We don't need them. We've been doing fine for thousands of years without video games. How can so many be so stupid? Really? When will these anti games types give it up? Stop blaming things for humanity's problems. We suck, pure and simple and we like to kill each other pure and simple. Let's just take responsibility for it. So one crazy cop killers played a whole lot of fucking GTA. So fucking what? Why does that one fucked up guy have to blow it for the millions of us who don't commit violent crimes? And when will thse right wing nutjobs understand this? These people, the fucko weirdo crime committing types should not be blamed on games, but rather genetics and their parents. And maybe we should just blame them for what they do. It's this kind of blame thinking that is really indicative of a bigger problem with humanity: our need to explain everything we don't get by saying things like 'it's because of TV' or 'Heaven will be great, so I don't have to worry now.' Look, this believing in fairy tales kind of bullshit does nothing to help us as a society. It's merely looking for simple answers to difficult problems because certain people simply don't understand things like science or sociology or any of those other 'smart' things. Games do not make people violent. That is just a simple truth, but they are not good things for the crazy wack jobs to play. Why don't we worry about the crazy wack jobs instead.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Well, it's about time. They finally picked a new Bond. I'm glad. Really, now we can get to the whole making the fucking movie part. Here's hoping Casino Royale kicks major ass.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


So I have it easy. Rent is free. Utilities are bundled in one nice bill. Water, electricity, building maintenance....all in one. So I pay roughly a hundred and fifty bucks a month to live in my apartment. My officetel. But, hey it is worth it. I have a nice place here in Bundang. Big, clean, modern and most of all private.
Each month the utilities are due by the fifteenth. I have to take the bill to a bank and pay it there. They list a couple they like where there is no additional fee. My bank, KEB, is not one. They list a KB bank. There's one real close, but there's also another closer to work. I go there. Not because it's more convienent or anything. No, not really any different than the closer location. It's just that there, well, there's a girl. Speaks English. Nice smile. So, I go to the bank with the cute girl. Sue me. I gotta get something out of life. Maybe one month I'll try to really have a conversation with her. Maybe. But I am too much of a pussy for my own good. So, we'll see.
Or we won't.

Go climb a mountain!

So, I had a big weekend. Avalon school, the place where I work, held a big ol' corporate hiking trip slash workshop. Get up far too early and go climb a mountain in the name of communication. Well, I'm not new to this place, so I dreaded what was about to happen. Imagine 200 people, 90% of whom are Korean. Now picture it all held in Korean with no translation. That's what I got. Tons of team building BS in a language I don't really know. You might feel kind of left out, right? Yeah, right. That part kind of sucked. Koreans have plenty of energy for cheers and jumping and especially crouching down a lot. Go figure. But the actual hiking, well that was technically I believe a bitch, but not too bad. One of those hikes that doesn't end. Reach the top, go down and then back up. Hour after hour.
But it's Korea, it's busy, it's packed. Shitloads of people. Imagine your typical line for a movie or the DMV and transpose that to a mountain. Narrow trail. Someone on your ass. Move, move, move. Aside from the pacing and the never ending feel, it was alright. Not really too hard, not bad on the heart. All in all a nice hike. Only it's been three days and I still see Koreans at work limping like they just got off the mountain. Wow, and I thought I was out of shape. Sure I broke a sweat, but I never had to stop to keep from passing out. So I guess I feel okay. I earned some good will from the company and about 75% of the trip was good for me. Just not the craptastic team building garbage. Sorry, but how can you build a team when you all don't share a language?
So until someone else drags me up a mountain, I think I'm done exercising.
And....I'm spent.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

sweetasssss Star Wars magnets

Went shopping in the Yongsan electronics market today and had to look at some toys.....well I did manage to find some Star Wars Unleashed figs...the newest set. For only three times the cost. Fuck that. I can buy them way cheaper even on eBay. So, no to that. But I did find some cool little magnets in the shape of Star Wars heads. There are tons of these little surprise in a box toys that get brought over from Japan. These are high quality, made by the same people who design the way cool vinyl models that retail for like a hundred bucks. Now I did find some of those, including the new Episode 3 Vader. Awesome. Just wish I could waste all my money on cool toys.

Monday, September 19, 2005

mucho mucho apopologies

Well, if anyone ever does stumble upon my little rant here, first let me offer you my condolences me droogs. Sorry, this ain't anything special, just my inner thoughts dropped onto the internet. Ah, yes, the net, where anyone can be an asshole and hide behind their keyboard. Well, I apologize if this is ever poorly thought out, written or just plain annoying. It's ranting, rambling thoughts with no filter or spell check or editing tossed on top. I doubt I'm any different from the many millions who do this and think they're hot dog shit. So, if you like it, thanks and if not, move along, move along, these aren't the droids you're looking for....
Me cat. Posted by Picasa


So the cat has a name. Nothing cute or geeky. No Star Wars characters or Trek characters. It's not a girl, so nothing cool like Pussy Galore or Octopussy. No, it's a boy so he's Felix. Felix the cat. Wait, that is mildly geeky. But really he's Felix Leiter. James Bond's best friend. Now all he has to do is gain a little weight and learn to get by when I'm not home. Let's see how he does.

Friday, September 16, 2005

The new Revolution? Posted by Picasa


So Nintendo unveiled their brand new controllor for their latest system Revolution and well, it's a fucking remote control. Yeah. Designed to be used with one hand. The system is minimal with no analog stick and can actually be waved to make things move on the screen. So now you don't just push buttons, but you move your whole body. Get ready to fuck up a lot by accidently moving during gameplay. And if you do want an anolog stick, plug one in and have a thing in each hand. Uggh...not sure what to think yet, but innovation might just kill this thing. I don't know what hand to use, but I do know the remote is not the most comfortable thing to have in my hand when I'm doing more than just navigating a menu. For now this looks like a damn cool remote, but otherwise take me off the preorder list for this thing. Nintendo, I'm done.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


This is a four day weekend for me here in the ROK. It's the Korean thanksgiving holiday, known as Chuseok. Plenty fo traffic, too much congestion and deserted streets. Lots will be closed, but all that matters is I get time off to sit and play games. Me like that as the kids would say. No of course, it's a holiday and one of the big two for Korea, so work gave us gifts. A nice, big case of SPAM. This must be the only country that actually doesn't laugh at the "food." So I have a big gift pack sitting in my kitchen. Perfect cat food I guess.


Got myself a pet. Felt a little lonely, maybe a little crazy, so I procured an animal. A nice, cheap little kitten. So far I haven't killed it. He's doing good, running, playing and sleeping plenty. I keep him in my bathroom when I'm at work so he won't get into too much trouble and then when I'm home he lays on my lap. Now I have two mouths to feed. Damn.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


So, what do we call those people fucked over by good old Katrina? Survivors for sure. Right? Yeah, they survived. But they are also now homeless and forced to flee to somewhere else. Hence they are refugees. But, oh, that's a bad word, right? No, it's not. It's a simple, descriptive word. They are refugees. And there is no shame there. Yet why do so many out there think this is a bad word, an insult? Why does Oprah say they are not? Well, it's simple. These people are Americans. And therefore too good to be labelled as refugees. Refugees are foreigners. Period. They are refugees, we are survivors. We will prevail. Why? Cause we are Americans! Fuck yeah! It's kind of disgusting that during this crisis we have people bitching over a simple word. Kind of makes one sick to be an American when even when a horrible tragedy unfolds, we still have to distance ourselves from those around the world who face these same things. As if we're too good for shit like this to happen. Like it's different for us. Well, it's not. Bad shit happens to everyone. These people are refugees and there is no shame in that title. But there is shame in making one victim more worthy than another. A survivor is a survivor. They all made it and they all need help, whether they are American or not. And a displaced NO native is no different than a Tsunami victim. So get over the world touchy feely Americans. Now is not the time for American superiority. Now is the time for Humanity.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


So, I had to give some money to those people in New Orleans. I felt bad, I guess. After all this is one major clusterfuck that should not have ever happened. So, it got to me. Someone has to help out down there and GW sure ain't doing enough. But it is nice to know he cut his vacation short to go sit around in the White House and think about helping. Wow, and it's good to know he's cut down his sitting in the chair time to just minutes. He's growing up so fast! This is a disaster in a major American city in the 21st century that would not have happened if the US government worked right. But, no, FEMA was not ready for this and now, well, you've seen the pictures....so get off your ass and give. Money. Bitches.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Well, after my little trip I had to pop in Mercenaries in my good old X-Box. Well imagine my surprise when I start up the game and notice how accurately they recreated the JSA for the game. Fucking A. Very cool shit indeed. So, now I can say I was there.
Welcome to North Korea, biotch! Posted by Picasa

De-militarize this!

Well, finally after like four fucking years I got off my lazy ass and went to the DMZ. And it was cool. Especially the JSA. Very nice. I highly recomment it. Only thing is, it made me really want to play some Mercenaries. Hmmm....and that bridge of no return is nothing like the one they made for Die Another Day. Although, to fit the Bond mood I listened to the DAD score on the way up there. Very cool.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Welcome to Crawford

So by now most of us know of Cindy Sheehan's camp down in Crawford. It's a very simple story really. A greiving mother just wants to speak to Bush about why her son had to die. His response? "Well I gotta get on with my life." Fucker. Support this woman people. She's just like any other American, wanting to know why. Why? It's only the most basic question we as humans ask and for some reason it's become un-American. Well, know what? Not asking why is a sign you're a fucking moron, brainwashed by the message. There's nothing more American than questioning things. That's what got us this far.


Back here in the Korea I been working nice, long hours. Eleven to be exact. Nice, fat, long days. I get up, go to work, go home and sleep and that's about it. But it's all about to end. Thank Christ. Bout fuckin' time too. I think I'm losing time, but I know I'm not cause I remember every single time I sang the fucking Backpack song for my Rainbow classes. And in the end the best thing will be the money. Yes, I'm in it for the money.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

re-rating GTA

Well, now GTA San Andreas is officially Adults Only. Copies are being pulled from major retailers and the game is being reworked to get back to the M rating. Wow, a victory for American moms! Now kids will be safe! Now all our problems are solved! Yeah! Video games bad, see? Right? GTA is all about sex, sex, sex!!!!!
Well, no. This solves nothing. This just proves that the ESRB regulates the games industry just fine, so parents can fuck off and try to parent. Will kids still play GTA? Sure, but that's not my problem, nor the games industry. It is now the parents responsibility to watch what kids buy. The major retailers are good about this. They check ID, they enforce ratings. So if you're whining about your ten year old playing, then maybe you shouldn't have bought them the fucking game. But really, how much more dangerous is a game than the very real possibility of your kid being drafted in five years to die in Iraq?
But, damn if this doesn't put wood in the fire over video game violence. That's what will be remembered. And for that I blame those dicks at Rockstar for putting this shit in there and the modders for fucking with IP. In all reality this content was not a problem before third parties hacked the game. No way was the average gamer going to see this hot coffee shit. Not unless third party groups went ass over heels out of their way to let you.
What about them? Them and their shady activities. Well, I blame Rockstar for being cute. So what if it wasn't to be seen? They should never have put this shit in there in the first place. Or maybe this was planned. Anyway, it's way unprofessional and can hurt the industry in its fight over public perception. Which in itself is a bigger American fight between the right and the left. Although when senators jump on the anti-game bandwagon, how far to the left are they really?
Rockstar reminds me of those pot advocates. The ones who don't bathe and wear hemp all day. The worst possible poster children for a worthy cause. Come on Rockstar, get your shit together. You brought this on yourselves. Very likely if this had been cut or disclosed it would have kept the M rating. Now it's got the games equivelant of X and it is the retail kiss of death.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Potter insanity`

MaybeI'm a cynical bastard, but the buzz over Potter always kind of sickens me. I don't rejoice in the success of Harry Potter and how it lines Rowling's pockets with money. And maybe what stops me from enjoying the books as decent reads is my dislike for what they do to the publishing industry. and maybe there is some jealousy there too, but I see it as unhealthy for the industry to turn into the same machine as Hollywood, where it's all about the big blockbuster. The new book sold over 250,000 copies an hour, more than most in their lifetimes. That's what bothers me. Why these books? Why do they succeed when so many other great works don't get to. Why can't all my favorite authors get these paychecks? It's certainly not pay for talent. Nah, I'm clouded here. I write too, so I'm just envious. But I feel partly she's entitled to the success and partly that so much of this is marketing and it unevens the field. I find that it narrows publishing to let's do more like this. I just find the superstar book sad and Potter's success mysterious. But that's marketing and how you do it in the 21st century.
Now, it's also sad for readers. Oh, but wait, kids love reading now. No, they don't. People still don't read and these sales figures don't translate to other novels. So everyone picks this up, reads it and then waits for the next. They read nothing in between. That's what gets me most. As if nothing else is worth reading. Far, far from the truth. Don't tell me how this bumps reading levels. It can't possibly be doing that.

Friday, July 15, 2005

profanity on TV? fuck yeah!

Recently ABC aired Live 8, the concert to end poverty. Apparently someone said a bad word during a song. Oh no! Fuck or shit, some four letter word that kids never hear or say. And the parents never use it around them. Right? Well a parent's group with no time for real problems has whined and wants to ruin it for everyone. Don't you just hate the complainers who have so much time and energy, but choose to focus their ignorant minds on such inane issues?
Well this isn't the first time. We all remember Janet's big 'ol tittie and the uproar about that. Mostly cause about fifty million husbands immediately hoped on the net to see it and their fat old wives were jealous. That along with so many other issues over the last five years has helped remove certain civil liberties and pave the way for censorship. And it's not big brother type shit, but a few so called security moms that want to dictate what we see and hear. Our peer are deciding for us. And what gives them the right to censor me?
This even led to Saving Private Ryan being pulled from some stations for content that was found to be objectionable, even though the film had already been shown with no complaints. Ah, but the flood gates were open now.
And now we have this. Come on, give a rest already, people like to say fuck and they like to fuck. A lot. That's why we have these kids to protect. These kids whose parents don't want to do the jobs themselves.
Anyway I live in a country that in the past has been notorious for censorship. Watching Hannibal with a big blur over the open head with the brains spilling out was annoying. And those old videos with awkward cuts and missing sequences and crappy blurring were worse. But now it's not a problem. Movies channels of every kind. Nipples on basic cable. No censored words. And most importantly, Saving Private Ryan on during the middle of the day. Uncut. And no one complains.
When did America become the standard for censorship and repression?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

America the prude

I find it interesting that America, one of the most violent nations on the planet, the one currently running two wars, the one with the highest rates of gun violence, has such a big problem with sex and foul language. O for fuck's sake! What's wrong with a little tittie? Lord knows it's not so dangerous to know about our bodies. Europeans love sex in their cinema and they don't seem to be committing ridiculous amounts of sex related crimes, nor do they have incredibly high teen pregnancy rates. But I forget, this is America where owning a gun and killing in self defense is more patriotic than practicing safe sex or being so unashamed of your body and your sexuality that saying the word penis in public is acceptable. Penis, penis, penis. Ah, vagina. See, get that out of your system.
Stop being such fucking prudes. And point my finger at the far right, the religious right. And at parents, bad ones, the majority of them who bemoan content and chastise schools, but never do any real parenting, never accurately inform children.
I could stray far, far away on a nice big rant, but I'll target my annoyance for the day at Grand Theft Auto. No, I love GTA. Correction, I fucking love GTA. I think it's a marvel of game design and storytelling and just plain fun. Now that's a nice word. But the game is all about doing real life things. Things like eating fast food (Americans love that shit), going to the gym (they hate that), and murdering large numbers of people. Hmmmm that really does happen a lot.
Now the usual complaints by the uninformed and those parents quick to blame violence on games (as if violence is this great new concept) is that "GTA bad! video games bad! bad! bad! bad! raise my children for me!" Well, fuck all that shit, I say. There's a ratings system. And GTA is rated M for a reason. That's M for mature, which a lot of people don't seem to be.
And it's not a kiddie game, much as some groups try to label gaming for kids. It's for adults. Those over 21 and therefore, content can be adult.
No kid can buy this game on their own. Try picking it up at Wal-Mart without ID. Not gonna happen.
Now also in America, as much as people secretly love porn (that's why the internet exists dumbass) people seem to have a problem with sex in movies. But we all know everyone is really obsessed with sex. Just admit it everyone and you'll get more of it. But films that are blatantly pornographic are barred from big release. Playboys and behind the counter. Even Glamour fashion mags are hidden so the kids don't see the titties.
For me, a bigger problem for kids eyes is looking at all the fat asses we have. But that's another problem.
No, seems that now we should burn GTA for having sex in the game! Oh shock, real life activities, car jacking, murders and now sex! You sir have gone too far!
This is what drives them right off that cliff? This is what has the family groups sending out warnings about? How about abstinence only sex ed programs that result in HIGHER rates of teen pregnancy? That's a serious threat to our fucking wallets. No, watching two video games characters fuck is over the line.
But we have to protect the children, cause you know they might be buying something only sold to adults. Nevermind exploring who buys it for a ten year old or who lets them play it. Oh, maybe mom and dad? Nah, fuck responsibility! Blame Rockstar games and the mod community for finding some hidden code to make this shit happen.
Ah, America, why the violence good, but the sex bad? Too many repressed homosexuals methinks. Let's just blame everyone else for everything bad. A violent adult rated game just got some sex in it and that's going to far. Glad these groups are there to let us know that. Maybe these morally responsible people can get their shit together, organize and focus on some real American problems, like obesity, lack of health care, criminals in the government, torture, loss of civil rights, poor education, poor parenting, illegal foreign wars.
Call me when one of these "family" groups issues a warning on something important. Until then I'll be fucking and killing hookers in GTA and letting some ten year olds watch. What? I'm not responsible.

Friday, July 08, 2005


First, I'd like to say the usual sorry feelings for the bombings in London. It's shitty, terrible stuff and these people don't deserve this tragedy. I want those sons of bitches who committed this act to pay. But I'd also like to say that this is nothing new. Over the last two years we hear about this stuff everyday. Only the country in reference is usually Iraq. Every day this happens down there and we shrug it off and go, "too bad." Well, no, not just too bad. This shouldn't happen there, or here or anywhere. But that's the big problem, this keeps happening. And it's been happening a whole lot more since this unjustified and unprovoked war began. This has happened because people lost focus, people in high places whose only duty was to simple protect us. They screwed up, they dropped the ball on this. They changed the target after a few short months of Afghanistan. They targeted Iraq and they created a terror playground. And it has done nothing to stem the flow of terror or put Al-Queda out of commission. They have increased hatred for the US and UK by their actions. They purport to be fighting terror there, yet they merely stoked the flames of hatred. This attack in London exposes, not that "we need to fight them over there," but that we have not done enough to fight them here. Terror has gone up, not done since 9/11. We have done everything wrong. We did not find Bin Laden. And the saddest thing of the London bombing is that Bush and company will use this to bolster their position in Iraq. To them this will only justify what they do, when in fact it underscored how royally they have failed. Bush, Blair, you have failed to protect your people. We wanted Bin Laden taken down. We were scared, we wanted hope. And you went after the wrong target. And you told us, over there will make us safe. Well, it clearly hasn't. Today we know that these last few years have definitely moved in the wrong direction.
Even if you don't believe in it, pray for those in London and curse the motherfuckers who brought this on. Maybe we need a war on terror, but maybe it's time to attack the right people.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

long time - back in the ROK!

Yes, for now I am back in Korea. Back to teaching, back to drinking, back to eating Kimchi. And it's damn nice to be making money again. Ah, yes, money. So very nice.

Last night I was out with my new coworkers, drinking, eating and celebrating a birthday. We started at a local place here in Bundang called Indio. Big tables, lots of people and cheap anju. After a few pitchers of makju we left and headed over to a place called Rose Tattoo. Now this being Korea, there is a strong push for young people to get married. There's also plenty of prostitution and the stuff in between. Things like room salons. Bars where you pay for a woman's company all night long. Now there are also those places where they try and act as matchmakers. Upscale wannabe places where the help will drag the women over to you and set you up. Rose Tattoo is one of these. There were four of us, three white guys and one Korean. We ordered drinks, we danced and we paid the help to drag girls over to us. It didn't quite work. Waiters dragging scared thirty year old women over is weird. Then they come and sit and can't speak more than five words in English.
But the oddest thing that happened was in the bathroom. A first really. I walked into the bathroom. There was an attendent there. And while I tried to piss he massaged my shoulders. Now I was really drunk, so it seemed far more surreal than it was. So for this, I couldn't whiz and had to tip.
Hmm, maybe that wasn't something to admit to. But after five in the morning hit and the lights came up it all ended. The facade was broken and now there were simply thirty year old drunks, broke and tired.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Holy sweet fuck! I am on such a high. Been awhile since I was so excited about something like this, but the more I hear and read about Star Wars Episode three the more I get high. I knew I would like this, but that 93% approval over at rotten tomatoes just makes this that much sweeter. I like the prequels, but it's always been something you had to defend. Not anymore. If this trend continues and word of mouth is good, Star Wars will go out on top. That's nice.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Long Time

Getting ready to move. Packing up things. Looking through old memories embedded in stacks of papers. I come across things half forgotten. High School. Years I tend to repress. Never liked it too much back then. Still don't think fondly of it. Don't think of it at all really. But Ifind some old newspapers. Back when I wrote for the school paper. Badly I might add. I was an editor and a half assed reporter. Papers aren't my gig. I write reviews, opinions. I don't ask questions well and I don't like to talk to people. It's amazing how much I've grown since then. In a lot of ways. And now there's this pesky ten year reunion coming up. I don't intend to attend it, yet I am curious. Mostly because it's been so long and I wonder how the time got away. Weird that I somehow grew up. I don't know how or when, but it happened. In so many ways it's as if I'm only ten. Like I was born out of the ashes of high school, at the ripe old age of eighteen. And boy did I look like a kid. No wonder high schoolers don't get any. Looking back is like looking at another life. Foreign, yet familiar. Crazy.

Star Wars Addiction

I'm addicted to Star Wars. Probably one of many such addictions I have. Only this one has escalated. See, Episode three is due to hit the big screen soon. That means plenty of new, expensive toys I don't need, have no place for and certainly can not afford. So why did I find myself standing in the cold at midnight for the Toys R Us opening? Answer: I'm a sucker. Simple as that. So I rush in with the crowd and am instantly caught up in all the hoopla. Not the best way to shop. Chaos, but organized chaos. Just the thing to make you grab toys just to have them and keep them away from others. And I know some of those guys were just there to pick it up and post it on Ebay the next day. Bastards. But in the end I have only myself to blame. But that's okay, cause I'll be too busy building my new LEGOs.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Toys R Me

This Saturday at 12:01 AM (Friday night really) Toys R Us and plenty of other stores will be open for Star Wars night. Cause all the good, new shit will be on sale. It's a geek fest for sure. I'll be there. I need that new Greivous unleashed figure. Kick ass.

Friday, March 25, 2005


It's here biotchesss!!!! Sony's kick ass new handheld system. Now, if only I could afford one. Arghhh. Soon, my pretty, soon. It looks good and it's real tempting to pick one up, but maybe I'll let the hype cool down and grab one when there's a real must have title, like GTA.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Been Lazy

That's what it is. Been too out of it to bother writing down my pointless thoughts lately. Haven't been writing, but I have substituted two other obsessions for awhile. One is going to the gym. No results yet, but I have started again. Except for today. Like I said, I'm lazy. But I have been going back. Got to undo all the damage I did over the last six months. And on top of that I've been into movies. Heavily. One, maybe two a day sometimes. Trying to keep track, maybe go for some record, but really just take advantage of the video stores while I'm around. So all of this has taken me away from other hobbies I've done over the last six months or so. No more of the woodwork, no more of hours and hours of Air America, no more working on the book. For now. These things are like waves. Up and down. Soon I'll be onto another kick. It's all about using my time. Or wasting it. I'm not sure.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Casino Royale!!

It's official, that's the name of the next Bond film, due in 2006. Now let's see who gets the part.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

gettin' old

It's now February and I'm getting old. Yes, old. Birthday's coming up and really it's gonna suck. But if you want to send me money, I'll always accept that.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Iraq Votes!....for an assembly?

Yep, they ain't even voting for a president. They are voting for a whole bunch of people who will appoint a new leader. Ahhh, so how long until one of Bush's buddies is set up as a new dictat-errrr, umm president? What a great system they have, one president, two vps and a prime minister, all under King George. Ahh, democracy. But, hey he planted the flag of freedom. Wow, swell head much?

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Four More Years starts now....

unfortunately...in a forty million dollar waste, King George will once again ascend to his throne and then proceed to piss on us. Let the people protest. Cause we are not happy. And that motherfucker has to know it.

I hate Rice

Not the food, I love that. No, I'm talking about Condi Rice. That bitch who is woefully unqualified to even work in the government. Worst. National. Security. Advisor. Ever. This bitch is not the right person for the job. And now she's going to be Secretary of State. And what are her qualifications? Well, she worked at Stanford. That's it? What in the fuck does she know about government? And how much closer can she get to Bush without actually sucking him off? And am I alone in thinking she's just an ugly cunt? Bitch, cunt, yes they are strong words. But this is a woman who ignored her duties and didn't do anything to even possibly prevent 9/11. When a memo hits your desk in big fucking letters, "Al Queda Determined to Attack United States," you should maybe pay attention!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I'm hooked on G4TechTV

Or whatever the fuck they call it now. I've actually been watching since this was all ZDTV. God, like six, seven years ago. Long time. Now it's just like watching a friend whither out on meth. Aside from X-Play, the occasional Filter (for Dian Mizota!) there's really not much there. Screensavers turned to ass and now it's all just about games. Having read some rumor about the behind the scenes I have to say it doesn't sound like a fun place to work. And if anyone out there actually likes new Kevin and Chi-Lan, let me know, cause you need help. Any old people like me remember Leo and how the show used to be interesting and helpful? Fuck, maybe it's me getting old. Remembering the good old days of a third tier cable channel. Rest in Peace Unscrewed.
Yes, Buffy would be a good gift. Enjoy. Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Now this is what I want for my birthday. Posted by Hello

Winter weather sucks donkey ass

They keep predicting freezing rain and snow and yet looking out the window there is none. It's just fucking cold. Just wish it would get a little warmer. Or at least snow. Like a foot or two so I don't have to leave the house.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I love my X-Box

I do. I spend enough time with it. HALO, GTA, KOTOR. If I had a life, this would suck it dry. Now I just need more games.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Video games make me violent

I don't buy into the theory that video games or movies are responsible for violence. I don't honestly think they help violent people be less violent, but blaming them is purely the lazy way to explain our society when the blame lays squarely at our feet. Humans are just downright violent people and if you don't believe that read history sometime. Video games have ratings for a reason. No ten year old needs to play Grand Theft Auto. That's for me. Someone in his twenties. That said video games do make me violent. Because they can frustrate me and piss me off so much I want to throw things. The controller, the TV itself. But I blame me. It's just how I am. And the game can be as benign as Super Mario. But once I cool down and realize that the game does not cheat, I'm better. But the game is not the dangerous thing, it's me. I blame me. Getting 99% of a mission finished only to get capped from behind can make me scream obscenities better than the rest and throw my chair. I know a few controllers that hate me.

Can 2005 suck more than 2004?

It's a simple question really. This country seems to be spirally out of control, deeply divided. So, can things get worse for us progressive types? Or will things just stay the same? No matter how bad we think it gets those on the right somehow think it's all peachy keen. Well, we'll see for how long. So, 2005 kick our asses.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Two Double Oh Five

And let's see what the new year brings. New games, new films, brand new Alias, wednesdays at nine.

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