Random and infrequent updates from the good Korea.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Double Oh seven days to go...

It's the last week people and it's a gettin' scary out there. The Republicans are desperate, cause they know, they know that the people are pissed. While they trumpet the march of freedom and elections in Iraq they don't want us to vote over here. It's a tight race in the polls, but fuck the polls. Don't trust the media. Trust the people. Thousands of new voters cannot just be people happy with the status quo. No, those people are happy and don't bother to vote. It's the young people who don't want their lives to end before they start.
So now the desperation escalates and each day I receive at least two fliers about how evil Kerry is. Who is he Damien from The Omen? The no on same sex marriage people are flying off the handle. They now claim legalizing gay marriage will force schools to teach gay sex. Bringing all the issues back to education is what neo cons do. It's just ridiculous. It's just another sign that they want to legislate prejudice. It's all really about hate. They hate gays and want them to go away. Legalizing gay marriage will simply legitimize being gay and conservatives can't stand that.
The right claims John Kerry doesn't hold our values and I beg to differ. He holds my values. And my values are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The last four years haven't been that happy on this planet.
Adios donkey boy, enjoy your last week and get ready to spend some time back on your ranch.

Monday, October 25, 2004

I've got a Grudge...

I admit, I am a sucker for two things: movies set in Japan and Sarah Michelle Gellar. So with those two pushing me on, I went to the first matinee on Friday of The Grudge, the American remake of the Japanese film Ju-On. There's like four of them and I'm not quite sure which one this is, but it's got Americans in Tokyo this time (so we can identify cause we dumb Americans and we don' like readin' words) being scared shitless by.....something. Overall a decent film with some interesting ideas and creepy stuff. This stuff just doesn't scare me. Real life is far more horrific than ghost stories. So now that it's a week before Halloween, the stations have begun airing their scary flicks. Right now-The Omen series.....ahhh, I miss those seventies horror flicks...

Friday, October 22, 2004

Dude, you're gettin' a draft!

There's a lot of fear out there about a potential draft. It's scary shit, not just forced into the military, but forced into this fucked up war. Well, rest easy kids, cause it'll really just be a a party. Head on over to www.enjoythedraft.com and see what we have in store WHEN, not if, there is a draft. Under Bush is a certainty. To keep this on indefinitely they need people and we're running out of the all-voluntary Army. So kiss your life goodbye and get ready to party in Basra!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Stop Fucking Calling!

That feels better. It's my message to all the Republicans who keep calling my phone and leaving messages about how great Bush is and how evil Kerry is. Today I received one from a little old lady telling me how Kerry would take away her medicine if he won. Man, why don't they just come out and call him Satan while they're at it. Just get it over with. I love their platform of hope. While Bush says Kerry can run, but not hide, Dickhead Cheney is busy telling people we're gonna get nuked or gassed any day now. And they claim to be making us safer? If me shitting my pants is safer, then we got a winner.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


And so Farscape has returned and gone again. And it was an excellent four hour mini series. Excellent, excellent, excellent. Maybe I need new words for this, but it was just good. Very well worth the wait.

Catch the rerun of parts one and two this week on sci-fi.

Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars


Monday, October 18, 2004

I'm a votin'

Well, my ballot is in my hands right now. Ready to be filled out, mailed in and promptly ignored. Ahhhh...Democracy! Guess what name is at the top of the ballot? John F. Kerry, the next president of the USA. The next POTUS.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Bush gettin' desperate!

He is. Over the last week I've received half a dozen recorded phone calls and another half dozen fliers in my mail box. Nothing for Kerry. That's becuase Bush needs to bash Kerry in order to gain some ground again. Each message, each flier is essentially a treatise on how much Kerry sucks. It's getting pathetic really. Why don't they call him a satan worshiper and get it over with. Bush is losing and losing badly. Each day more and more Kerry signs go up. People are ready for a change, they're eager for one. The last four years have sucked. Now it's time to move on.

Friday, October 15, 2004


It's late on Thursday or early Friday depending on how you view it and I am tired. That's it. Now go listen to Air America radio. It's the bee's knees.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

outsourcing my ass

So outsourcing is not good, not bad. It just happens, but now we are outsourcing high tech jobs. Bush claims the way to fight this is to educate and retrain. But we're talking Thirty year old Americans with high tech degrees, BAs, MAs and hell even PhDs. They did the education thing. They thought this would get them work and now under Bush that's not even good enough. What other kinds of jobs are out there still in America that people like these can be retrained for?
It used to be menial jobs leaving the US, so those non college types had to go and learn and get degrees. Now no job is safe. No amount of retraining will stop outsourcing. It's time to stop giving tax breaks to the big companies.

Kerry wins third debate!

Of course he won. Stop giving Bush points for merely breathing. The man might as well be retarded. And that's an insult to retarded people who can actually live normal lives unlike this man. Why do we constantly lower the bar for this man? He may be able to win in the spcial olympics, but in the end he's still retarded.
Kerry came out swinging with accurate facts and a command of facts. He just looks like a president. Let's just get this over with and restore the office.

Round Three! Fight!

To anyone who plays fighting games such as Tekken or Soul Calibur, then you know that round three is the big one. Sure Kerry one round one against the monkey boy, but round two was a resounding draw, now it's time for the third one. The last one. And let's hope this is a decided knock out and not a ring out.

Also, while we're at it, if you happen to live in an area where Sinclair Broadcasting will air their mock-umentary, then get out and protest these fuckers. Even if this was a pro-Kerry doc it would still not be a cool political move.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Do you know a Republican? How to help them guide right here.

They've had four years to come around, but it just seems more Republicans can't quite pull their heads out of their asses. So rather than let them re-elect Bushie, why don't we just give them the guns so they can shoot themselves in the foot? Cause when you vote for Bush, you might as well do that.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

George Bush is a lying motherfucker

Title says it all. This weasly, incompetent piece of shit goes on TV and lies to the American people. And being the ill informed mob that they are, they eat it up. Thank God Kerry's there to help us out. That's all I have to say about the weasely little monkey man W.

The pre-debate II rant

Well, tonight is the second debate between Kerry and the boy in the plasic bubble, G. W. Bush. Last time he got his ass kicked, but maybe tonight Bush will actually be prepared. I doubt it. Before he looked bored, constipated and angry. He stumbled and bumbled, but hey it was hard work. That's what he tells us. It's hard work. So we should cut him a break. I don't think so. So, let's get some popcorn and sit with some unenlightened Republicans and watch the great debate 2. Less than a month people. Get off your asses.

Get off your asses biotches!

Not that it'll be noticed, but I want to point out some very helpful links to those who need to become more interested in politics. And, no watching CNN or Fox News doesn't really count. Although it is funny to watch Fox when high.

so, go here to become enlightened and informed:


Friday, October 08, 2004

my first blog or, young people suck

Last night I had the chance to go and view John Kerry's 1971 testimony to Congress as the representative of Vietnam Veterans against the War. Unfortunately there weren't many interested parties and aside from a slightly crazy girl, I was the youngest one there. The others all being in their forties and fifties. So after watching the existing forty or so minutes, I ealized something. Young people kind of suck. Where were they? The event was even held at a college. During the week too. And no students there. How can we expect them to vote when they don't even take an interest in the candidates. For the record, Kerry kicks some ass. This is the man I want to be my next president. So I'm going to start calling him President Kerry. It just sounds so much better. Ahhh. Feel better people?