Random and infrequent updates from the good Korea.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I got a new job. Actually, a nice fat promotion. I am now the head teacher at one of our junior campuses. Starting on Monday I'm in charge of the Imae campus. Just for the foreign teachers, but still it's a nice little bump in money and responsibility. So I can be the foreigner wrangler, making sure everyone does their shit and doesn't take sick days so they can go to Cambodia a day earlier. Should be an adventure.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Saturday, July 08, 2006

settle down?

I saw a headline on MSN telling women how to find out if "he is ready to settle down." Settle down? What and have a job, kids, mortgages and responsibilities? Be tied to people and debt and never able to just leave it all and go wherever? Fuck that. I already know and I'm sure most of you realize that I won't settle down. Ever. No buying a house for me. No property or fancy new cars. I hate debt. I hate strings and I especially despise the idea of knowing that what I am doing now is what I will be doing forever. That this is it, I'm done. To hell with that. We live to 80,90. Why settle down and grow old at 20 or 30? You go from being a child and living with your parents right into starting your own colony of progeny? No way. Live a little. Be free, move, go places. Too many people I know are stuck in jobs with bills and homes and other things locking them in place. They can't afford to up and leave and jet to India or even leave their city of a new one. They have no real freedom. And they may like it this way, but deep down we all want to be able to whatever we want. Maybe that's why I don't even pay my own rent or have anything major in my name. All I own is portable. All my links tenuous at best. I can move at a moments notice and all I need is my Internet connection to get me through the day.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Coming November of this year. It will kick ass. I hope.

Vulcan logic.

What the hell is wrong with air conditioning?

Korea's hot, really hot. Not desert hot, but rain forest hot. Humidity rests at about 50% constantly and it rains because it's monsoon season. So, I consider it too fucking hot to work. So we turn on the aircon as the Koreans call it. Yet, there must be something wrong with all these Koreans. They constantly complain that it's too cold. Too cold? I turned it to 60 degrees. Fucking hell man. I'm sweating like a pig, the classrooms have no circulation and I'm getting punchy in class, so I'm sure as shit going to turn on some air to circulate around the fucking room.
I never get complaints. Yet, yesterday I got one for it being too cold in the classroom. What the fuck? This is not a little kid who can't speak English. No, this is one of my highest level students who doesn't tell me this himself. No, he has his mommy call and let me know. So what should I do? Not turn on the AC? Then what if every other kid complains that it's too hot? There's no way I'm going to cater to this one kid. Sorry, it's summer and we have AC. Get used to it. Fifteen other kids in the class trump one kid's discomfort. And besides, it's always the kid in tank top and shorts, sitting right next to the AC who complains. Of course it's too cold. You're sitting in it asshat.